Bernard Ormrod Photography

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About Me


Photography has been a relatively new venture for me, and I have found it particularly rewarding. Through its pursuit I have travelled to many a place I don't think I would have, and met many like minded photographers who I now consider good friends.

I started off using film and took mainly Black and White images, and built a home darkroom for developing and printing my own pictures. Knowing nothing about photography I joined a local camera club where I learnt quite a lot, and it was good to see other peoples pictures. I still attend a local camera club, and have been involved with a group of Black and White photographers in a postal portfolio, where pictures are sent round the country. I have been lucky enough to photograph with some great photographers such as Fay Godwin, Thomas Josua-Cooper, and John Darwell to name a few, and been influenced by many of them.

Sadly my days of film and darkroom processing are over and the move to digital has been made. The quality of the latest ink-jet printers and their ability to print Black and White images now surpasses those darkroom prints. I loved the Infra-Red film from Kodak, and didn't think anything would replace it in digital. How wrong could I have been. I now have a digital DSLR camera converted to take Infra Red images in the camera without the guesswork and dark filters needed with the film version. Luckily in my switch to digital, I have been able to select a digital camera that my favourite old film lenses will fit on.

I suppose 'Landscape' would describe the pictures I have taken so far, and the majority of the pictures selected on this website could be described as landscape. I would like to be able to take 'people' shots, and will be concentrating my efforts on this subject more.

I did gain a Licentiate distinction of the Royal Photographic Society (LRPS) with a panel of Black and White prints all produced in the darkroom. Recently a good friend of mine has persuaded me to think about entering a panel for an Associateship (ARPS). So far it's just 'thinking', but time will tell.

Digital photography almost always ends up with one sitting in front of a computer. Having spent most of my working career sitting in front of one, my switch to digital has been made with some regret, and I spend an absolute minimum adjusting or manipulating images. I try and get things right at the 'taking' stage. I suppose being brought up with film, the disipline of not rattling of hundreds of frames per picture means I have fewer images to sort, and less time at the computer.

Landscape photography is all about photographing the light. The best light normally occurs at dawn and dusk and is often about photographing the weather. If the weather is not right - go fishing, I do.

I hope you like some of my images, and thankyou for visiting the website.

Bernard Ormrod LRPS

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